Monday 5 December 2011

Body: Pose, Costume, Lighting

To prepare myself for the upcoming body shoot, we've been doing a few workshops that have focused on using different lighting in the studio, as well as considering our subjects attire and body language, and how this can help us to achieve what we want to show in our photos. In the first of these workshops, we were using continuous lighting to light our subjects, and were given 4 different emotions to try and portray. Venerability, pride, intimacy and aloof.

Only using one light source, i had to focus on the subjects posture to try and create these emotions. I found this difficult through the day, and discovered that some emotions are alot easier to show than others. This is my contact sheet from the day.

 Out of these shots, my favourite would have to be the middle top. This image was trying to portray venerability. I decided to make my model very small in the image, and had the camera aim from above her. I also used the shadow to emphasise this feeling of loneliness. Because of this i feel it was my most successful image. For my shoot, i am intending to show someone as being proud of their tattoo's without looking confrontational and conforming to a stereotype, so i will have to work on the proud look further before my shoot.

The second workshop involved showing peoples professions rather than emotions, and was meant to focus us on using different items of clothing to show these. Also this time round we used 2 flashes rather than a continious light. This ggave me a chance to experiment with the type of lighting i wanted to use on my final images. We has to pick 3 out of worker, intilectual, sales assistant, waitress and cleaner.

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