Monday 7 May 2012

Fashion Constructed Image: Set Designs.

As our project has evolved, we have been through many different choices of set design. Our initial idea of using block colours and repition has stayed with each idea, although our final set design is completly different from the original. Starting with our idea of trying to represent consumerism, we've looked at the work of Chris Jordan. What we liked about his images was the sheer number of products he uses. you are bombarded with such a large number of the object he photographs that it barely becomes recognisable as what it is until you go in close.

From this, we started to look at how we could use products in our images and create this feeling of being overwhelmed by the brands and products. Initially, we looked at the use of perspex, and having someone laying on the perspex whilst being crushed by products on top of him.

Due to concerns over price and health and safety, this idea became to complicated to realistically create.

Sticking with the idea of being consumed by products, we started looking into ways of doing this standing up. The way we planned to do this was to create a v shape with boards, and use a piece of perspex as a window, and just fill the space with all our products witht he model inside. This initially seemed to be a way of making this idea work, but the cost of the amount of producs we would need to fill the space was far more than we could afford, as we intended to make 3 of these sets in 3 different colours. Unfortunatly, we had to scrap this idea and go back to the drawing board.

Our final idea came from a brainstorming session. We looked at the ideas we were trying to promote with the shoot, and decided to make the image into a journey, wehere the model would instead of being trapped or consumed by the products, he was more lost in them.

The basic layout of the set is that there are 3 walls with doorways in each so that you can see through to the walls behind. These walls will be covered in products, not unlike the isle's in a supermarket, but the colour of the products would be the same for each wall, starting with red at the front, blue in the middle, and yellow at the very back. In the front wall will be a doorway about 2ft above the ground in which our model will stand. The idea of this being that he is travelling aimlessly through all these products and is lost in this consumerist world. Through the doorway, you will be able to see the wall of blue products behind, with a similar doorway through to the wall of yellow products.

Our initial intentions with this was to use the larger studio 3, and have a wall that was as tall and as wide as the entire studio. Unfortunatly, another group had to use the larger studio and so we had so make the designs smaller. This did however mean that we saved alot of money as our model would no longer be working at height, and so we didnt have to invest into scaffolding and crash mats.

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