Tuesday 14 February 2012

Fashion Construsted Image: Initial ideas

To start off the project, as a group we came up with 3 different ideas, and created mood boards for each of these. The first idea we came up with was the idea of Film Noir. Our mood board contained references to the lighting, fashion and stroylines of films from the 1940/50's, aswell as artists who has already tried to recreate this style. Of the three ideas we thought of, this seemed to be the easiest to achieve as a studio project. Because of this, we decided to continue on another idea that would push our skills more.

The second idea we looked into was protest. With the amount of protests and riots that have been going on around the world recently, it seemed like an interesting subject to look at for a fashion project. We looked at what protesters and rioters wore, as well as looking at the reasons behind their protests. The meaning behind the image would have been good to look at, although it seemed like a difficult task to create in a studio invironment, as most of these events take place on the streets.


The third idea was the one we eventually settled on. The theme was Pop Art, and 60's culture. Inspired by the work of Andy Warhol and his stance on anti-consumerism, we looked into the fashion of the 60's, aswell as the style of the art that was being produced at the time. We liked the repatitiveness and simplicity of the art, and felt it would be a good project to do.

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