Sunday 12 February 2012

The Time Machine. Task 1

The Sleeping Venus - Giorgione

This image, painted in 1510 during the renaissance, depicts a naked woman lying down outside. The artist has gone to great length to create a sence of realism in the figure, and the same with the background, which was completed after Giorgione's death by Titan. The use of colour in the image is very important. Venus is the goddess of love, and the colour red is a symbol of love. This idea of love is also mimiced in the characters pose. She is elegantly draped on the cloth and pillow, covering herself with one hand, and resting her head on the other. This was controversial at the time, as it was one of the first paintings to feature a nude woman. The woman is looking out of the image, and you cant tell wether her eyes are open or not. The backdrop for this image is out on hills next to a building or small illage. The curves in the landscape start to emmulate the curves in the models body aswell as the curves in the clouds.

Olympia - Manet
This image although inspired by the previous, takes on a completly different feel. The artist isnt as concerned with realism, and instead focuses on the symbology in the image to portray its meaning. This time, the model is looking straight at the viewer, conveying a very strong expression. The posture of the model is also quite similar, although its alot more rigid, showing again strength in the character. The inclusion of the black maid was appropriate for the time, as in 1868 when this was painted,  black people were seen as being lower class, and often used as servents or slaves. This image was also controvisial, as it showed this woman in very lavish conditions. The black cat in the image was a symbol for prostitution.

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