Friday 6 January 2012

City: Street Photography

Street photography is a really interesting concept to me. It seems to be the only way to get an honest representation of the city and the people who populate it. Ive been looking at the work of Henri Carter-Bresson. He pioneered the field of modern photojournalism, taking to the streets with his hand held camera, and taking pictures of every day happenings around the citys. 

This image was taken in Hyeres, France. Carter-Bresson's idea with his pictures was that the camera was an extention of his own eye, and that he was capturing eternity with his images.This is a perfect example of this. Without the use of a camera, this cyclist would have just passed by unnoticed, and not been remembered. A big part of what made this style possible was the introduction of the 35mm camera. Carter-Bresson liiked the annonimity that the small camera gave him in confined/packed spaces. It helped him overcome peoples natural reactions to being photographed. As soon as you dont know you're being photographed, you become more yourself, and less what you want people to see.

With this in mind, id really like to explore the world of street photography for my project. To me, the people in the city are what makes the city, more than the buildings or area. This way i can show the different sides of the city and who is in it. Because i want to keep up this annonimity, i will aim to use my 35mm camera for the project.

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