Sunday 4 March 2012

Fashion Construsted Image: Chris Jordan

As our idea has expanded, and we have started looking at using objects as a main focus of the portrait, it seems necessary to look at the work of Chris Jordan. His project called "Running the Numbers" are a series of large pieces depicting shocking numbers in the US.

The 2 images above represent the amount of prisoners there were in Americn prisons in 2007. The whole piece is made up of 2.3million prison uniforms, which are stackec up and split into 5 large canvases. I really like this idea of scale. You cant relly tell what the image even is unless you get up close to it to examine it.

Another piece he has done depicts 2 million plastic bottles, which is the amount that are used in the US every 5 Minuites. Again its another piece done on an enormous scale, so it just looks like a sea until you get in close and see what its made of.

I like this idea of the sheer number of products that he is featuring in his work. It is similar to what we want to do for our project.

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