Saturday 3 March 2012

Environment: Location Hunting/Reshoot

With the re-shoot of my environment project, i decided to take a different approach with the project. Before i had focused on roads/construction sites and expansion. This time i've tried to broaden my focus by looking at the industry's effect on the environment right now, and the effect its having on the landscape.

The first place ive looked for locations on this project is the isle of Sheppy. A small island off the south east coast, the whole area is covered in factories and business, that generate alot of waste. I went to the town of Queenborough, which is home to Sheerness Recycling, a company that deals with the recycling of commercial waste. Unfortunatly, they wouldnt let me on site to take any pictures, but there is a sea wall right next to it which is acessable to the public so i scouted out the area from there.

Other locations i looked at around the island were a few companies such as Olympic Glass, and the waste they produce. Again this company wouldnt let me onto their site, but ive sent them emails asking for special permission so i am hopefull they will reply soon.

I did get to look around a site whilst there. It was a small company that dealt with the repair and maintance of the rail service on the island. Alot of the bigger companies use a network of railways to transport materials around. On the site, there was loads of old rails, and old trains lying around, under repair, or just not being used. I talked to the man who was working there at the time, and he told me that he maintains the engines of the trains used, and revives old trains so that they can be used again.

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