Tuesday 22 November 2011

Body: Tattoo Culture

My initial thoughts for this project is to look at modern day tattoo culture. I am in a band, and i spend alot of my time around people who are part of a punk/hardcore scene in which tattoo's are common place. In a time where is seems tattoos are being frowned upon more and more by the general public, i want to see why people feel the need to be covered in tattoo's, and if they consider how it will effect their future.

To gain a better understanding of how these people with tattos feel about this, i devised a short questionaire, and sent it to some people who have alot of tattoo's to fill in. Some of these people are tattoo artists, whilst others are just people who have tattoos that range from a few pieces, to full coverage.



How many tattoos do you have?
Thirteen or so...

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?
I was nineteen.

What is your first tattoo, and what is the meaning behind it?
My first tattoo is on the arch of my foot and I have the words "Enjoy Eternal Bliss" it's the title of an EP by a band called Yndi Halda and it's also what Yndi Halda means in old norse. It's one of my favourite artists and favourite pieces of music, plus it's a very positive message.

Do you feel the rest of the world see's you differently because of your tattoos, either for better or for worse?
I had a few tattoos before I got any visible ones and noticed no change. Once I'd gotten my lower leg tattooed I noticed people staring in public when I wore shorts. It was a novelty at first, then it annoyed me and then I just got over it and I don't even take notice anymore. In fairness my appearance before tattoos was slightly controversial, long hair and a beard always brought me looks from the public but I think tattoos added to that. People are often surprised to find that I'm a very nice polite person and not a thug.

Would you get tattoos that couldnt be covered (neck/hands/face)? If you have already, what made you decide to get these done?
I really like the idea of getting my hands, knuckles tattooed and even my throat but I'd never pursue the idea. Although I don't believe it should, it does affect your career choices in the future. My goal at the moment is to be a teacher but no school will hire someone with their throat tattooed to teach gcse english!

Do you think there is a pressure on this generation to get covered in tattoos?
I don't think there is a pressure to get COVERED but I think there may be some people who feel that they need a tattoo to fit in with certain social groups. I'm part of the hardcore punk scene and tattoos are very prominent but I've never felt that I NEEDED tattoos to fit in. I think some people may think that they do but I think that's more down to strength of character than social pressures.

Do you think tattoos these days have less meaning behind them than they used to?
For me personally a tattoo doesn't need to have a specific meaning behind it. If it does then that's great but because of programs like Miami/LA/London Ink, people think they need a sob story to get a tattoo. At the end of the day, tattooing is just an art form and if you appreciate art and would like to use your body, essentially as a canvas then you shouldn't feel that you can't get an image because it doesn't have a specific "meaning".

How much further will you go with your body art?
I intend to get my back and torso tattooed as well as sleeves on both arms and legs. I may venture onto my hands, knuckles and throat but not until I'm financially secure.


How many tattoos do you have?
Hard to count really as background work interlinks them. I'd say around seventy percent coverage.

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?
Eighteen of course ;-). Nah I was seventeen and I basically blagged though the whole thing and managed to not get IDed. Hard to believe as I still at twenty-six have the face of a sixteen year old.

What is your first tattoo, and what is the meaning behind it?
It was the logo from a band I was in to at the time. Unfortunately, or fortunately I revisited that band as an adult and realised it really was a poor choice. Said tattoo is now covered.

Do you feel the rest of the world see's you differently because of your tattoos, either for better or for worse?
I think it used to, but not so much any more. Reality TV shows have kind of killed the whole mysterious element of the tattoo world. Most peoples Mums have them now.

What influenced your decision to get a tattoo in places that cant be covered up (neck/hands/face)?
To start off with I never planned on touching "public skin". But then having a sleeve was a big deal. I was like eighteen or nineteen and had as many tattoos as my tattoo artist. I think I just wanted to raise the bar a little bit. Eventually I just found the right design and went for it. It certainly wasn't something I went blindly in to. I knew I was never going to work a nine to five office job, so why not?

Do you regret the decision to get these tattoos?
Not at all. I get a little annoyed with the constant stupid questions, but a lot of that is general ignorance.

How do you think it will affect your future?
I'm not sure to be honest. Having worked hard to get in to the industry myself, I hope it wont make any difference. My only concern is how much longer tattooing has got left. The lack of regulations and the ease of DIY tattoos is getting out of hand. The amount of Joe Public getting public skin tattoos that employers are not wanting. I know for a fact that Tesco are looking to get rid of tattoos in their work place, encouraging managers to find other reasons for dismissal. How long will it be before more and more companies decide to do this? Then at what point do the government get involved.

Do you think there is a pressure on this generation to get covered in tattoos?
I don't necessarily think it is pressure, but it is certainly in the lime light more than ever. Cher Lloyd for instance, even at seventeen was on the television at prime time with hand tattoos. Working in a tattoo shop I get to deal with literally hundreds of young girls looking to get hand tattoos like Cher Lloyd and Cheryl Cole, neck tattoos like Rihanna. None of these young girls have really thought about the consequences of having a tattoo they can never cover. We as a rule wont do these, but unfortunately there are hundreds of tattoo shops around the country that will. 

Is it becoming a sign of social status?
I don't really think so. I think it is just the alternative kids trying to keep a line between themselves, and Mr Religious Tattoo. 

Do you think tattoos these days have less meaning behind them than they used to?
The notion of tattoos having real meanings died many years ago, but even then I not  sure they were meant to have as much meaning as we try to give them. Most of my tattoos are just stuff I think is cool, yeah I have a few bits with meaning, but I'm certainly not going to try and have a deep meaning to every one. I think people watch a bit too much Miami Ink. Having six stars to represent your six kids is not a meaningful tattoo,
 It's a falsified justification to having a trendy tattoo so no-one will judge you.

How much further will you go with your body art?
Pretty much full coverage. I've dabbled a bit with scarification, so probably when I'm completely covered I will start blacking bits out and having it cut out. The progression that it has made in the last few years is outstanding so by the time I'm at that stage it should be mind blowing.



How many tattoos do you have?

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?

What is your first tattoo, and what is the meaning behind it?
The first one I got was the letters TKS on my thigh. It was done by one of my best friends at a show he put on in a kitchen. About 15 of us have the letters on us, which stands for Toms Kitchen Shows, it is a reminder of the good times we all had at shows there.

Do you feel the rest of the world see's you differently because of your tattoos, either for better or for worse?
I’m sure people do see me differently because of them but I quite enjoy the funny looks you get from random people, that is probably tattoos making it worse but then in my friend group and the scene of the music I listen to people love tattoos so people probably see it for better in that group. I don’t really care too much on other peoples thoughts of them anyway.

Would you get tattoos that couldnt be covered (neck/hands/face)? If you have already, what made you decide to get these done?
I plan to eventually, apart from the face, I’m just not a fan of them. It won’t be until everywhere else is covered though because as cringey as it sounds I think you have to ‘earn’ them. People that get these tattoos first/early on piss me off.

Do you regret any of your tattoos?
None at all

How do you think they will affect your future?
Hopefully they won’t, but I’m sure if I go for a job interview there will always be some old man that looks down on me for them. They are pretty accepted these days I think though.

Do you think there is a pressure on this generation to get covered in tattoos?
Not really. I got my first tattoo at 21 after being friends with loads of people that were tattooed and I never felt pressured to get any. There are probably people that feel they have to get them to look cool but if they want to do that it is up to them. Peer pressure sucks.

Is it becoming a sign of social status?
I think so partly. Whenever I see people with tattoos these days I tend to already assume I know what music they listen to etc. Most of the time it is a correct assumption but it is still stereotyping.

Do you think tattoos these days have less meaning behind them than they used to?
I don’t really have any meanings behind any of my tattoos apart from my TKS tattoo and my band tattoo. I don’t see the need to have a meaning behind them, it is okay to get something because they look good. We aren’t on Miami ink.

How much further will you go with your body art?
I plan on getting completely covered. It will take some time/money but it looks good and getting tattooed is very addictive I find.

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