Tuesday 1 November 2011

Environment: Are we using to much?

Later on through the project, i started looking at how we treat the area around us. Living in an ever expanding world, humans are always taking more and more land and developing on it. And whats worse is that whats left, we dont even care for or maintain.

Its this lack of respect for nature that i want to focus on for the Environment Unit. Just looking around the local area, its clear that there is alot more attention/money put into the development of new buildings or shops than there is of cleaning up and sorting out the nicer areas that we already have. 

I conducted a test shoot around the river banks of rochester, looking at the factories and work places that had been set up all along them. Even though this side is still grass and potentially somewhere nice to walk, there are signs of disregard and destruction all along, as well as the beginnings of a construction of new flats. Unfortunatly, these test shots were ruined when my camera back decided to pop open and fog the images, but i had taken notes and sketched out some ideas of what i wanted to photograph, so i could return with another film and shoot again.

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