Tuesday 1 November 2011

Environment: Pastiche of Jem Southam's "Seaford Head"

This is the image i have chosen for my pastiche. Coming from a costal town, this is a site i am all to farmilliar with, and think i could accurately recreate. To try and make my image have the same feeling as this one, i first have to annalyse the image,  and work out what technical techniques have been used, aswell as what information the image is trying to portray and been inspired by.

Taken on a 8x10 camera, like the rest of Jem's work, there is a vast amount of detail captured in the image. As i wasnt able to get hold of an 8x10 camera for my shoot, i had to use Medium format as a replacement. From looking at this image, i get a feeling that Southam is trying to show the impact of nature on the coastline. These rock falls from the cliffs are usually caused by years of abuse from the sea. The composition of the image is gives a strong direction through the image. All of lines in the image from right to left follow down into the sea, even though it is only a very small part of the image.

For my shoot, i went to the seaside down of St Margarets Bay in south-east Kent. This is a location i had visited many times as a child, so i knew that it would be perfect for this particular shoot. Unfortunatly, the tide there doesnt go out as far as i thought it would, and when it did finally go out enough for me to take the photo, the sun decided to come out and spoil the dark moody sky i was looking for. As it turned out, these were the least of my problems, as the camera i had borrowed had a fault, which meant that the film back would keep popping open and fogging my films. It clearly wasnt my day.

After wasting 3 films, i called it a day assuming all was lost. I developed my films anyway to see if anything had survived, and somehow 1 image managed to not become fogged!

This is a digital scan of the negative, as i have not yet had a chance to get into the darkroom to print. I was pretty happy with this image, luckily it was the first image i took that day and was rolled up tight int he camera when it opened. The colours of this image have been adjusted slightly, adding a more red/yellow tint to the image to go with the cliffs of the original. This has given me an idea of what ill need to adjust colourwise when it comes to going into the darkroom to print.

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